Emergency Rescue and Safety Cover Services
Working at Height and Confined Space Rescue TeamsEmergency Rescue and Safety Cover from Abfad Ltd
Emergency Rescue and Safety Cover
We’ve been around long enough to know how important safety is in all industries. Keeping people safe is one of our top priorities. For this reason, we provide a trained and equipped rescue team. Our rescue team can provide you with safety cover and emergency rescue for personnel working at height and working in a confined space.
Our rescue team can perform the necessary assessment of the emergency situation. Conduct any rescue needed in a safe and controlled way, recover any casualties in the fastest possible time and administer first aid.
Confined Space rescue team
Confined spaces are hazardous working areas. The danger of death exists from any number of sources and is always present to any person working in the confined space. AND, it also poses a risk to anyone who attempts to carry out an unprepared rescue. Especially without proper training or equipment.
ONLY an equipped and trained specialist rescue team should attempt any rescue. Any ill-prepared attempt to rescue someone from a confined space will put more people at risk. Unprepared people attempting urgent rescue attributes for almost two-thirds of deaths.
The dangers of confined space working
Don’t underestimate the dangers of confined space working. Carry out the correct assessments and put procedures in place for management and staff. This should include the provision of a confined space rescue team. Competent and qualified personnel on site to provide rescue and first aid CAN save lives.
Regulation 5 of the ‘Confined Spaces Regulations’ states, “you must make suitable arrangements for emergency rescue which will depend on the nature of the confined space, the risks identified and the likely nature of an emergency rescue. You should not rely on public emergency services”.
Working at height
Working at height is any work carried out where a person could fall a distance to cause injury.
One of the biggest causes of serious injury is working at height. It remains the most common workplace fatality.
Our rope rescue teams ensure that any person working at height remains as safe as possible. If something does go wrong, then the rope rescue team are on hand to provide urgent rescue and care.
On-site there should be suitable arrangements to have a rope rescue team in place. It’s important to ensure that worker rescue and retrieval is possible. Rapid response to incidents should be achievable.
A rope rescue team is the safest and most reliable method of providing rescue. Attempted rescue by untrained people increases the risk to the injured party. As well as putting further lives in jeopardy.
Working at height regulations
The ‘Working at Height Regulations 2005’ state:
“Every employer shall ensure that work at height is properly planned; appropriately supervised; and carried out in a manner which is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe”.
Rescue Team With Medic
At Abfad Rescue, our team is not only trained and equipped to retrieve people in high places or confined spaces but also to prioritise their safety during the working day.
With our fully qualified Medic, we offer a comprehensive range of onsite services to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone on your team. Our services are designed to provide support from the beginning of the day until the end, guaranteeing that everyone stays safe and secure throughout the workday.
Our medic can provide full onsite health checks including blood pressure, BM blood monitoring and sugar checks, cholesterol checks, medical training, resources and

Our Rescue Medic has been a popular addition to the team at Rocksavage
Mental health and well-being are just as important to us as ensuring the safety of people at work. In addition to our Rescue Team service, we also run a well-being drop-in centre with our Rescue Medic.
This service has been very popular at Rocksavage as it provides a free and confidential place for staff to receive a health check, discuss any issues affecting them, or simply talk about their mental health with someone.
Truly keeping your team safe at work involves more than just ensuring their physical well-being while on the job. Take care of your team, and they will take care of your business.